
  • Cat ImageQuotations
    I'm quite fond of quotations, both from the Bible and from other wholesome sources. This is where you'll find those. -- Batel
  • Cat ImageAnnouncements
    Admins will make announcements of events or changes here.
  • Cat ImageBible Studies
    Organize and announce online Bible studies here. Feel free to create discussion threads here for said Bible studies, too.
  • Cat ImageWho are you?
    Create a thread here that is all yours to introduce yourself. What makes you uniquely you? Kid and pet photos. Job? Just share some things about you. Share your social media links, if you like. Then, make sure you visit and participate in the "Living Life" category.
  • Cat ImageTestimonies
    Share about how you became a Christian and in what circumstances. Feel free to write what you feel led to share with us. It can be encouraging to know what brought others to God and why they are bonded to Him.
  • Cat ImageSamuel's Writings
    Adventures into Samuel's studies and writings about studies.

    Part of the reason we started this blog/forum was to get feedback from fellow believers and Bible readers on these writings. So, please feel free to interact regarding each write-up or as a whole in your own discussion here. Thank you, in advance, for reading. -- Batel
  • Cat ImageBatel's Ponderings
    I write and journal a lot. So as not to take up the entire forum with such and because I'm utilizing the forum as a way to link to blog posts that ARE about the listed topics, this area is where I'll make posts that don't really fit in other forum topics.
  • Cat ImageFamily
    (Note that pets, although family members, are under "Critters" in "Living Life.")
  • Cat ImageMarriage
    "And the man said: 'This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called "woman," for out of man she was taken.' For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." -- Genesis 2:23-24 (BSB)
  • Cat ImageParenting
    "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." -- Proverbs 22:6 (BSB)
  • Cat ImageChristian Learning
    Notes on sermons, seminars, etc. Links to educational/interesting videos. Share insight or inspiration you've experienced. Attending school and have class suggestions?

    Hosea 4:6 (LEB) -- "My people are destroyed
    for lack of knowledge;
    because you have rejected knowledge,
    I reject you from acting as a priest for me.
    And since you have forgotten the law of your God,
    I will also forget your children."
  • Cat ImageApologetics
    "Apologetics is quite literally defense of the faith; the Greek word 'apologia' means 'defense' as a lawyer gives at a trial...1 Peter 3:15 instructs the Christian apologist to ‘always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that is in you.’ Christian apologetics, according to 1 Peter 3:16, needs to be done with ‘gentleness and respect." -- Jeff Augustine, MA - Theology
  • Cat ImageBible Geography, History, & Archeology
    Notes from reading, sermons, videos, etc.
    Also, feel free to share links to sites and YouTube channels you like to visit for this information.
  • Cat ImageCulture in Bible Times
    "Before we can be confident we are reading the Bible accurately, we need to understand what assumptions and values we project onto the Bible." -- E. Randolph Richards, 'Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Understand the Bible." (Quote via GoodReads)
  • Cat ImageGod's Appointed Times
    At Creation and throughout the rest of the Bible, one can see the appointed times that are meaningful to Him and, thus, to us. His calendar and clock operate differently than the world's. If you live according to His pace, it is a blessing -- both to Him and to us as His people.
  • Cat ImagePrayer and Christian Living
    All things prayer and serving God (tamid/"continual"/"daily").
  • Cat ImageGiving Thanks
    "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." -- 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)

    Write about something you're thankful for today.
    Remember Betsie ten Boom thanking God for the fleas in the concentration camp. ("The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom)
  • Cat ImageNotes & Info
    Notes, videos, sermons, Scripture, etc. about prayer and tamid.
  • Cat ImagePrayer Requests
    As the body of Christ, we need to pull together and lift up one another in prayer. Go ahead and request prayer here, and don't forget to give updates on how things are going, when you can.
  • Cat ImageBooks
    Books you like and what you've learned from the author(s).
  • Cat ImageMusic
    Post links to Christian music you enjoy. Do you sing or play an instrument? Feel free to share your talent with us here.
  • Cat ImageLiving Life
    Show us photos or videos. Describe what you do in your free time. What are your hobbies and interests? How do you participate in God's Creation?
  • Cat ImageArts and Crafts
    Are you an artist or crafter? Show us what you're working on or have completed. Enjoy the work of someone else. There's room for that here, too.
      Textiles/Fiber Arts
  • Cat ImageCritters
    Let's see some photos and videos of your pets or creatures in nature you enjoy observing.
      Other pets
      Wild Creatures
  • Cat ImageMovies and Shows
    Quite fond of a movie or show series? Share about it in this category.
  • Cat ImageRecipes/Cooking
    Is it yummy? Is it healthy? Is it quick and easy? Is it all of that? Share away!
  • Cat ImageGeneral
    General discussions

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