• Batel
    January 20, 2024
    "No sin has ever made any person happy. Sin simply cannot bring happiness, but it can deliver pleasure. And, when we confuse pleasure with happiness, we are wide open to the seduction of the enemy." -- R.C. Sproul
  • Batel
    January 20, 2024
    "The modern-day Gospel says, 'God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life; therefore, follow these steps, and you can be saved.' Meanwhile, the Biblical Gospel says, 'You are an enemy of God, dead in your sin, and in your present state of rebellion, you are not even able to see that you need life, much less to cause yourself to come to life. Therefore, you are radically dependent on God to do something in your life that you could never do.' The former sells books and draws crowds. The latter saves souls. Which is more important?" -- David Platt ("Radical," p. 32)
  • Batel
    January 20, 2024
    "The road that leads to heaven is risky, lonely and costly in this world, and few are willing to pay the price. Following Jesus involves losing your life and finding new life in Him." -- David Platt
  • Batel
    January 20, 2024
    "Going around saying, 'I plead the blood of Christ,' has zero effect on Satan. There are demons that even claim to have the name of Jesus. So, the idea you can go around and say little formulas and clean Satan out of your house, or demons, is ridiculous. The way to eliminate them is simply by having a pure life and confessing sin before God and take care of it. The idea of pleading the blood has no biblical concept. The blood of Christ has already been pled in your behalf, and it's washed away your sins and made you a child of God, and you're cleansed forever. There's nothing left to plead." -- John MacArthur
  • Batel
    January 14, 2024
    I'm fond of Christian and Gospel choirs.
    Here's some young talent to enjoy:

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